Top 10 Reasons Homebuyers Need Property Title Insurance

Property title insurance protects buyers and lenders from potential legal claims or disputes over ownership of the property. It is crucial for new homeowners because, while your home may be new to you, the property has its own extensive ownership history that could hold hidden issues. A thorough title search helps uncover any potential title defects, but issues can still surface after closing. Title insurance protects you from these unforeseen problems.

While title insurance may seem like an extra cost, its benefits far outweigh the investment. Below are 10 reasons why it’s important to have property title insurance when buying a home in New Jersey, illustrating its critical role in ensuring the security and peace of mind for property buyers.

10 Reasons Why It’s Important To Have Property Title Insurance

1. Protection Against Title Defects

Property title defects are issues that arise from past errors or miscommunications in previous ownership or documentation. These defects can include anything from misspelled names in deeds to improper transfers of ownership. If an error is discovered after you have purchased a property, it could jeopardize your ownership rights, leading to legal disputes or even the potential loss of the property.

In New Jersey, title insurance protects you from such title defects by ensuring that any errors in prior documentation are identified and resolved before your purchase is finalized. Should a previously undiscovered error emerge after closing, the insurance covers any legal costs associated with defending your ownership.

2. Protection from Fraud and Forgery

Forgery and fraud are serious concerns when it comes to property transactions. A previous owner or an unscrupulous party might forge documents, leaving you at risk of ownership challenges. For example, someone may have fraudulently transferred a property deed or improperly claimed an inheritance.

With property title insurance, you’re protected from such risks. If fraud or forgery occurs, the insurer will defend your rights and cover any financial losses. This protection is particularly vital in New Jersey, where a variety of legal issues can complicate the ownership trail of certain properties. Without title insurance, you could end up in a costly legal battle that may threaten your homeownership.

3. Uncovering Undisclosed Heirs

One of the more complicated issues in property transactions is the possibility of undisclosed heirs. After the death of a property owner, heirs may have rights to the property, even if they have not been part of the transaction process. If an heir surfaces after you’ve purchased the property, they may claim a stake in the ownership, potentially leading to disputes.

Title insurance ensures that any claims from undisclosed heirs are addressed and managed. The insurance company will cover legal fees and compensate you for any losses should the claim prove valid. In New Jersey, where estate issues and claims from heirs can sometimes be complex, this protection is indispensable.

4. Liens and Judgments

Liens and judgments against a property can arise from unpaid debts, taxes, or legal rulings. These liens can follow the property, leaving the new owner responsible for resolving them, even if they were placed before the new purchase. For example, if a previous owner had unpaid property taxes or other debts, creditors could place a lien on the home.

Title insurance ensures that all outstanding liens and judgments are uncovered before you complete your purchase. If any are missed or arise later, the insurance will cover the cost of clearing them. In New Jersey, where local tax and municipal lien laws can be particularly strict, this layer of protection ensures that you won’t face unexpected financial liabilities after closing on your property.

5. Survey Issues and Boundary Disputes

Survey discrepancies or boundary disputes can create significant headaches for new homeowners. Issues can arise when property boundaries aren’t properly marked or when survey errors lead to confusion over property lines. In some cases, neighbors may claim that part of your land belongs to them, or a previous survey may show incorrect boundary lines.

Title insurance protects against such disputes by covering any legal expenses needed to resolve boundary issues. If a new survey reveals a problem, the insurance company will work to protect your ownership and resolve the dispute. In a state like New Jersey, where dense residential areas may lead to complex boundary lines, having title insurance gives you the peace of mind that any survey-related issues are properly addressed.

6. Errors in Public Records

Public records errors are surprisingly common in real estate transactions. These errors can stem from filing mistakes, clerical errors, or miscommunications between public offices. For example, a deed may be improperly recorded, or a tax record could mistakenly show a different owner.

In New Jersey, the real estate recording process can be prone to such mistakes, and they may not become apparent until after the transaction is complete. Title insurance protects you from the consequences of these errors by ensuring that any discrepancies are discovered and rectified. If an error in public records affects your ownership, your insurance will cover the cost of resolving the issue.

7. Historical Title Issues

Many properties, especially older ones, may have historical title issues that affect current ownership. These issues can include unresolved disputes from previous owners, incomplete records, or mistakes in the chain of title. A clear chain of ownership is essential in proving that the property can be legally transferred, but historical title issues can complicate this process.

Title insurance ensures that any historical title issues are thoroughly investigated and resolved. If a problem arises after you have purchased the property, the insurance company will cover the cost of defending your ownership in court. In New Jersey, where older properties often come with complex histories, this type of protection is particularly valuable.

8. Zoning Law Violations

New Jersey has strict zoning laws that regulate the use of land and properties. These laws determine whether a property can be used for residential, commercial, or mixed purposes. Violations of zoning laws by previous owners can lead to significant problems for new owners. For example, if the property was used in a way that violated zoning regulations, you may be forced to alter or remove certain structures.

Title insurance can provide protection against these issues by covering any legal fees associated with resolving zoning law violations. The insurer will help ensure that your property complies with local regulations, protecting your investment and preventing costly alterations.

9. Building Permit Violations

In New Jersey, property owners are required to obtain the necessary permits for construction or renovations. However, previous owners may have neglected to acquire the proper permits for work done on the property. This oversight can result in violations that must be resolved before you can sell or further modify the property. You may even be liable for fines or forced to remove unpermitted structures.

Title insurance ensures that any outstanding building permit violations are addressed. If issues arise after you’ve purchased the property, the insurance company will cover the cost of resolving these violations, ensuring that your investment is protected from costly remediation.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps the most compelling reason to invest in title insurance is the peace of mind it provides. Purchasing property is often one of the most significant investments a person will make in their lifetime. The process can be stressful, with numerous legal, financial, and logistical hurdles to overcome. Title insurance allows you to rest easy knowing that you are fully protected from unforeseen claims, disputes, and errors that could jeopardize your ownership rights.

In New Jersey, real estate transactions are governed by a variety of laws and regulations that can be difficult to navigate without professional assistance. By securing title insurance, you ensure that your investment is safeguarded, giving you confidence in your purchase. No matter what issues may arise, title insurance provides comprehensive protection and support.


Purchasing property in New Jersey is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail. Title insurance serves as a critical safeguard for protecting your investment, ensuring that you can enjoy your property without the risk of losing ownership due to defects, claims, or disputes. From title defects and undisclosed heirs to fraud, public record errors, and zoning law violations, title insurance provides essential coverage that mitigates the risks associated with real estate transactions.

At Sammarro & Zalarick, P.A., we understand the importance of securing your property investment, and we are committed to providing comprehensive legal services to ensure that your real estate transactions go smoothly. Our attorneys specialize in New Jersey real estate law and can guide you through the process of obtaining property title insurance, ensuring that your interests are fully protected.

Whether you’re buying your first home or adding to your real estate portfolio, Sammarro & Zalarick are here to help you every step of the way. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized, professional service, ensuring that you can make informed decisions and enjoy peace of mind with your real estate purchase.

Contact us at (+973) 478-1026, or send us a message through our contact form, and our real estate lawyers in New Jersey will study your specific case.

At Sammarro & Zalarick we offer quality legal advice to clients throughout New Jersey and surrounding areas.